Mountain Biking UK

Your letters and photos,


including getting your kids away from their screens and onto bikes, why budget bikes are ace and more of your best riding snaps

Last October, my fiancée and I found our lives changed overnight when my ex-girlfriend decided to kick my 13-year-old son out of her house, and we brought him to live with us. My son is like any typical teenager – glued to his phone constantly. I decided he needed something more wholesome to do, so I dusted down and fixed up my old Giant XTC and kitted him out in some basic biking gear. The first few rides were an ordeal for him – as though he’d never seen mud or puddles before – but after a few moans and complaints he started to gain confidence. He’s by no means the next Gee Atherton (yet), but he now looks forward to the weekend and finding out the next route we’re going to ride. It means we can all spend some quality time together too, as my fiancée loves getting out in the woods and hills. So, I say to any parent, let’s get these kids out of virtual reality and into the real world – they’ll relish it. Facebook and eBay have loads of good second-hand bikes for sale, so get them equipped with a half-decent bike and get them out there. Our sport needs future heroes for the next generation to look up to, and who knows, your child may be one of them.

Sy Excell, via email

Great job introducin­g your lad to bikes, Sy. Here’s a GPS device to keep him moving in the right direction and help him record his rides. It sounds like he’s pretty tech-savvy, so you can probably get him to plan those weekend outings from now on!

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