Mac Format

Security and privacy extensions


If there’s one thing you really need to guarantee when using Safari, it’s your

security. It’s easy to get complacent when using a Mac, but they are still vulnerable to attacks if you don’t take good enough care.

A strong option is TrafficLig­ht by BitDefende­r ( It gives you real-time protection that actively blocks suspicious websites and those known for peddling malware and phishing attempts. It also shows you if a website is trying to track you.

If you’re not so keen on tracking in general, DuckDuckGo ( will be right up your street. Its search engine doesn’t track your browsing habits, and it also comes with built-in privacy features like encryption and a privacy grading system for websites. DuckDuckGo blocks trackers and ensures you get encrypted connection­s to pages on major sites.

Finally, we all know how tricky it can be to remember all the passwords you use on the web. That’s compounded if you use hard-to-guess passwords that are meant to be more secure. Luckily, LastPass ( can help out.

The idea is that you create a single strong but memorable password to act as your master password, then LastPass automatica­lly generates complex ones for all the accounts you use. All you need to do is remember the master password and LastPass does the rest.

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