Mac Format

Civilizati­on Revolution 2

Take over the world, wherever you are! Truly we are living the dream


£10.49 Developer 2K,

Works with iPhone, iPod touch, iPad Version 1.0.0 Age 12+

The first Civ Rev game was basically a paredback entry in the classic turn-based strategy series Civilizati­on. The aim was the same – discover the world, build cities, become the dominant people, by peaceful means or not – but with less micromanag­ing, making for more approachab­le and faster games.

The same is true of this sequel. It’s almost identical, but with 3D graphics. There are leaders to be (or oppose), new research and (some) new units to command, but little has changed deep down. In some ways, this is great – it retains the original’s feeling of strategy without spending hours poring over stats – but it’s a shame not to have a sequel develop the formula meaningful­ly. If you’ve already played Civ Rev, the new stuff here won’t stay fresh long.

Still, if you’re new to the series, you’ll find it’s a great adaptation of the sprawling, lengthy desktop version. Games still take ages, but turns are faster, so it’s easier to pick up and put down. Many of the desktop game’s systems are here (building, combat, research and culture), but made less involved. The flip side is that some systems have been simplified too far; some removals feel needless and restrictiv­e (such as the limited diplomacy options) and make you feel like specialisi­ng your civilisati­on isn’t as important. It can also be quite bad at explaining how some things work.

If you own the first Civ Rev, take off a star (it’s too similar), but otherwise, its fun conquers its flaws enough to be worth the price. Matt Bolton

 ??  ?? Oh, you’re still using riflemen? How cute. Start all the wars you like. We have tanks.
Oh, you’re still using riflemen? How cute. Start all the wars you like. We have tanks.
 ??  ??

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