Love Patchwork & Quilting




Q Print Fabric A: ½yd Q Print Fabric B: ½yd Q Print Fabric C: ¼yd Q Print Fabric D: yd Q Print Fabric E: ½yd Q Print Fabric F: ½yd Q Print Fabric G: ½yd Q Print Fabric H: ½yd Q Print Fabric I: yd Q Print Fabric J: ½yd Q Solid Fabric K: ¼yd Q Solid Fabric L: ¾yd Q Solid Fabric M: ½yd Q Solid Fabric N: yd Q Solid Fabric O: ½yd Q Solid Fabric P: ¼yd Q Solid Fabric Q: 1¾yds Q Solid Fabric R: ½yd Q Solid Fabric S: yd Q Backing fabric: 5½yds Q Batting: 78in x 96in Q Binding fabric: ¾yd FINISHED SIZE Q 72in x 90in approx


Seam allowances are ¼in, unless otherwise noted. HST = Half-square Triangle. RST = right sides together. WOF = width of fabric. WST = wrong sides together.


Print fabrics are all from the Here Comes The Fun collection by Caroline Hulse for Art Gallery Fabrics. Solid fabrics are from the Pure Elements Solids collection, also by Art Gallery Fabrics.


1 From Fabric A cut: Q Ten (10) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Five (5) 3 in squares. 2 From Fabric B cut: Q Five (5) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Ten (10) 3 in squares.

3 From Fabric C cut fifteen (15) 3½in squares and five (5) 3 in squares. 4 From Fabric D cut five (5) 3½in squares and five (5) 3 in squares. 5 From Fabric E cut: Q Five (5) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Ten (10) 3 in squares. 6 From Fabric F cut: Q Five (5) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Five (10) 3 in squares. 7 From Fabric G cut: Q Five (5) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Ten (10) 3 in squares. 8 From Fabric H cut: Q Ten (10) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Five (5) 3 in squares. 9 From Fabric I cut ten (10) 3½in squares. 10 From Fabric J cut: Q Ten (10) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Five (5) 3 in squares. 11 From Fabric K cut ten (10) 3½in squares and five (5) 3 in squares. 12 From Fabric L cut: Q Twenty-five (25) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Ten (10) 3 in squares. 13 From Fabric M cut: Q Five (5) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Ten (10) 3 in squares for HSTs. 14 From Fabric N cut: Q Twenty (20) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Five (5) 3 in squares. 15 From Fabric O cut: Q Five (5) 3½in squares. Q Ten (10) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Ten (10) 3 in squares. 16 From Fabric P cut fifteen (15) 3½in squares. 17 From Fabric Q cut: Q Thirty-five (35) 3½in squares. Q Thirty (30) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Thirty-five (35) 3 in squares. 18 From Fabric R cut twenty-five (25) 3½in squares and five (5) 3 in squares. 19 From Fabric S cut: Q Twenty (20) 3½in squares. Q Twenty (20) 3½in x 6½in rectangles. Q Twenty (20) 3 in squares. 20 From the binding fabric cut nine (9) 2½in x WOF strips.


21 Take one 3 in Fabric A square and one 3 in Fabric D square. On the wrong side of the lighter square mark a diagonal line from corner to corner. Place the squares RST, with the lighter square on top. 22 Stitch ¼in either side of the marked line and then cut through both layers on the marked line (Fig 1). 23 Open the units out and press the seam away from the lighter fabric to complete two 3½in A/D HSTs (Fig 2). 24 Repeat steps 21– 23 with the remaining 3 in squares to make a total of the following (Fig 3): Q Ten (10) A/D HSTs. Q Ten (10) B/O HSTs. Q Ten (10) B/S HSTs. Q Ten (10) C/S HSTs. Q Twenty (20) E/Q HSTs. Q Ten (10) F/Q HSTs. Q Ten (10) G/L HSTs. Q Ten (10) G/S HSTs. Q Ten (10) H/O HSTs. Q Ten (10) J/R HSTs. Q Ten (10) K/Q HSTs. Q Ten (10) L/Q HSTs. Q Twenty (20) M/Q HSTs. Q Ten (10) N/S HSTs.


25 Take the following: Q Two (2) C/S HSTs. Q One (1) 3½in Fabric C square. Q Two (2) 3½in Fabric I squares. Q Two (2) 3½in x 6½in Fabric S rectangles. Arrange them as shown (Fig 4). 26 Join the Fabric C square, the Fabric I square and the C/S HSTs into pairs, then join the pairs to make a four-patch unit. Join a Fabric S rectangle to the right-hand side of this unit. 27 "Join a Fabric I square to the right-hand side of a Fabric S rectangle, then join these to the bottom of the unit from step 26 to complete one quarter-Block A. 28 Repeat steps 26–27, arranging the pieces as shown, to make a total of four of quarter-Block A (Figs 5–7). 29 Take the four quarters and arrange them as shown (Fig 8). Join them into pairs, then join the pairs to complete one Block A. 30 Repeat steps 25–29 to make a total of five of Block A.


31 Repeat steps 25–29 arranging the pieces as shown, to make a total of five of Block B (Fig 9). 32 Repeat steps 25–29, arranging the pieces as shown, to make a total of five of Block C (Fig 10). 33 Repeat steps 25–29, arranging the pieces as shown, to make a total of five of Block D (Fig 11).


34 Take Blocks A–D and arrange them into five rows of four blocks each, rotating them as shown (Layout diagram). 35 Join the blocks into rows, then join the rows to complete the quilt top.


36 Cut the backing fabric in half across the width. Remove the selvedges and re-join the pieces along the length with a ½in seam. Press the seam open. 37 Press the quilt top and backing well. Make a quilt sandwich by placing the backing fabric right side down, the batting on top, then the quilt top centrally and right side up. The backing and batting are slightly larger than the quilt top. Baste the three layers together using your preferred method. 38 Quilt as desired. This quilt was quilted with a horizontal wavy pattern.


39 Trim off the excess batting and backing fabric and square up the quilt. 40 Join the binding strips together end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press the seams open and trim away the dog ears, then fold in half lengthwise, WST, and press. 41 Sew the binding to the front of the quilt, folding a mitre at each corner. 42 Fold the binding over to the back of the quilt and then hand stitch in place to finish.

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We just love Caroline's fun fabric designs!
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