Landscape Architecture Australia

Tomorrow’s trees today: Super Advanced Trees

For gardens and landscapes where the benefits of fully grown trees are a priority, Super Advanced Trees offer a straightfo­rward and effective solution.

- For more informatio­n: E info@establishe­ W www.establishe­ P 03 5964 4240

As Australia’s largest supplier of Super Advanced Trees, Establishe­d Tree Transplant­ers (ETT) has learnt what the key markets are after and how to ensure that the best quality trees are available.

Today’s landscape and garden sectors require advanced, healthy trees that facilitate their design needs quickly. While Super Advanced Trees might not be as cheap as smaller trees, it’s hard to put a value on a tree when you don’t want to wait for it to grow. ETT’s Matt Davis says clients don’t want to wait 10 years for a two-metre tree to grow to six metres.

“We do all the growing work for them – basically, we are giving them tomorrow’s trees today,” he says.

ETT’s range of Super Advanced Trees includes oaks, elms, magnolias and liquid ambers, as well as a selection of native legacy trees such as spotted gums and species of Angophora.

A common misconcept­ion about growing larger trees is that they are harder to grow. Davis says this is not, in fact, the case – the same principles are used for maintainin­g any tree, but for larger trees, they simply apply on a larger scale. The real challenge with Super Advanced Trees, according to Davis, is the moving of a tree from the nursery to its new site. ETT specialize­s in this service and understand­s that with the proper transplant­ing equipment and knowledge, a tree can be easily transplant­ed without suffering much stress.

Davis says the important thing for clients to do before their Super Advanced Trees are delivered is to make sure that the site is well prepared by digging “wok-shaped” holes into well-balanced soil. Once the trees are in place, he says, it’s best to wait for them to re-establish themselves in their new environmen­t before adding in understore­y competitio­n.

 ?? ?? 01 01 — Super Advanced Trees have become popular because they buy time, meaning clients don’t have to wait for their trees to establish to full size. Photo: Establishe­d Tree Transplant­ers
01 01 — Super Advanced Trees have become popular because they buy time, meaning clients don’t have to wait for their trees to establish to full size. Photo: Establishe­d Tree Transplant­ers
 ?? ?? 02 02 — Super Advanced Angophora species, at Establishe­d Tree Transplant­ers’ nursery, are one of a selection of native legacy trees available. Photo: Establishe­d Tree Transplant­ers
02 02 — Super Advanced Angophora species, at Establishe­d Tree Transplant­ers’ nursery, are one of a selection of native legacy trees available. Photo: Establishe­d Tree Transplant­ers
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