
First Impression­s: Sasha Ira

This US artist reveals she has a strong affinity with nature…


This self-taught US artist reveals how her strong affinity with nature has influenced her work.

Where did you grow up and how has this influenced your art?

I grew up in various places; my family moved around quite a bit. And as a child I spent all my time playing outside, doing what I wanted. I even remember spray-painting a wall in our old house with my siblings. So just having that freedom aided in my being able to pursue art.

What, outside of art, has most influenced your artwork?

I would say nature – just being outdoors and appreciati­ng the beauty. Feeling the wind run up against my skin, or the smell of the wet earth after the rain. These simple things bring such a sense of peace over me. My emotions and the things I go through have been a large influence over my work as well.

Does one person stand out as being helpful during your early years?

I haven’t ever had any direct help relating to art. However, being able to rely on my family financiall­y when I’ve really needed to is something I’m thankful for.

What was your first paid commission, and does it stand as a representa­tion of your talent?

I don’t remember my first paid commission, which is unfortunat­e since I don’t take them on very often. One of the early ones was for an accessorie­s brand – a simple figure drawing that took me far too long to finish. And I received one of the brand’s pieces in exchange.

What’s the last piece you finished, and how do the two differ?

The last pieces I worked on were for my small solo show that was held at

Corey Helford Gallery in Los Angeles last December. I was more confident going into new paintings compared to the commission­ed drawing.

Tell us about your regular painting rituals…

I start off with small rough drawings in my sketchbook or on loose sheets of paper. I’ll play around with ideas and draw different variations. Then I’ll search for images that I could use for reference, or take a few images of my own if I’m not able to find what I need.

A draft might be drawn up next, or I’ll just go into the final drawing. The piece will be scanned and edited, and sometimes a colour study will be done. Then it’ll be printed and with some powdered graphite and tape, it’ll be transferre­d to a primed surface ready for painting.

How would you say that your art is evolving?

I’ve only been working with galleries since around 2016 or late 2015 and before then I wasn’t even really taking it very seriously, so I don’t feel that it’s changed all too much. There’s a lot more painting going on compared to before when I was more focused on drawing,and these days the pieces have gotten a bit larger. They’ve become more refined, detailed, with many more layers, and overall more complex even if they might appear quite simple.

What advice would you give to your younger self to aid you on the way?

Just to keep creating, take up painting, draw a lot, connect and make friends with others who are also interested in making art, and most importantl­y to try and have as much fun as I can along the way. Sasha is a self-taught artist who lives and works around the Chicago area, displaying artwork in galleries with a focus in oil painting and graphite drawings. You can see more of Sasha’s work at

As a child I spent all my time outside, doing what I wanted

 ??  ?? A PARTICULAR FEELING “An oil painting on wood panel that was created for my show Undercurre­nts at LA’S Corey Helford Gallery.”
A PARTICULAR FEELING “An oil painting on wood panel that was created for my show Undercurre­nts at LA’S Corey Helford Gallery.”
“At 20x24-inches this was the largest piece in my show at Corey Helford Gallery.”
TOWARDS TOMORROW “At 20x24-inches this was the largest piece in my show at Corey Helford Gallery.”

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