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Sundee Bowls - emerging from the fog


THIRTY-FOUR ‘ghosts’ emerged from the mist to test their skills and enjoy camaraderi­e on a chilly Sunday last.

Once hands were extracted from pockets, participan­ts had to wrap them around cold, wet bowls. Those who persisted were rewarded as the sun burned off the fog and everyone proceeded as normal… for a short time! Then back came the coats and gloves and hands went in the pockets!

Helene Emblen apparently got a little excited on rink one and with Dave Davis singing her praises and Ruby Stockings joining in, they set out on a road they hoped would lead to success. The path soon became bumpy, and Col Dover, Mary Perry and Frank Armstrong converted an 11-4 halftime lead into a comprehens­ive 22-6 win. They must have been driving in a different lane!

Go-getter Phil Knight enjoys winning each time he bowls. On Sundy he combined with Ron Mccauley, and Rob Pfeiffer against Lucky Leo, ‘Go-girl’ Gaye Cottee and Greg ‘Brownie’ Brown. The latter group played with gaiety and purpose, placing their bowls into a bunch around the jack many-a-time. ‘Go-girl’ played good; Lucky was just as good, making it easier for Brownie to do his thing. Phil’s side led 7-3 at the turnaround before Brownie and co turned on the afterburne­rs, landing a killer blow on end 15 to suck the energy out of team Phil. The six shots sealed a 1712 victory.

Pete Ruzans, Gordon Scott and John Cole challenged Allan Stratford, Greg Scott and Kevin Scott in a 16-end showdown. Winner take all. This was to be a social tease, but it soon became a little more serious. Yours truly had another not so good game leaving Gordon and John to try and keep Kevvy and team at bay. Tit-for-tat, bowl for bowl, all square at end 8, the bragging running high by both sides. 14-all at end 14; a finish to behold.

The lead bowler for John’s side was all asunder for those last couple of ends, Stratty was competent, Greg was hounded by his skip while Kevvy became serious. Strath, Greg and Kev scored two shots at 15, then a pile of six on the last to take the honours and bragging rights! 22-14 final score.

It seems one game stands out from the others, one team is formed to compete and do better than the other – is this just the luck of the team selection, perhaps just the paddle-pop stick selection by the bowlers!

Ron Morrison returned after a small rest-up to join John Mckenzie and Trish Gosper. They were quietly confident playing Chris Strojny, Julie Brown and Chris Cristante. The ‘opponents’ were not phased and scored early shots and a “catch us if you can” challenge took to scoring shots early, putting the question to the others – ‘can you get us?”. 14-2 at the turnaround became 25-6 by the end. A big win for Chris (x2) and Julie.

A couple of Sues squared off at opposite ends of the rink. Sue Armstrong with Cheryl Storch and Col Cottee; Sue Mccauley joined by John Kennedy and Pete Bennison. Sue’s teammates arms were strong to chalk up a five and a four and led by five at the turnaround. There were some good returns by the Sue’s in the second half but it was Sue Arm’s turn to win - 19-15.

Pairs between Karen Greenhalge and Mel Giddings and Bryan O’sullivan with Doc Livingston. The Doc was expected to be a bit rusty after a few week’s off but they led 7-5 after eight then Karen and Mel found form and cruised home 16-7.

A different bunch of overall winners last Sundy:

● Winners - Chris Strojny, Julie Brown and Chris Cristante;

● Runners up - Mary Perry, Frank Armstrong and Col Dover;

● Resters - Julie Brown and Sue Armstrong.

● Lucky numbers - Allan Stratford, Cheryl Storch and Sue Armstrong.

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