Cross Stitcher

New dimensions

Working in 3D, Lettie Eckberg is the genius behind The Needle’s Notion, and shares with us her journey from flat artwork to dimensiona­l designs

- Interview by Julian Odessa

The 3D cross-stitch designs of Lettie Eckberg are a wonder to behold! We sit down with this master of the cross-stitch craft to discover where this magic comes from, and learn more about her business ‘The Needle’s Notion’. Lettie’s passion for needlework is evident in the intricate details she incorporat­es in her work, from flat artworks to 3D designs, to practical gifts. All journeys have a beginning, and Lettie’s journey from childhood inspiratio­n to a thriving business is an interestin­g one.

“Fine needlework has always surrounded me,” Lettie explains. “Both my maternal grandparen­ts were incredibly skilled. My grandmothe­r created exquisite cushions, curtains, and samplers, while my grandfathe­r crafted the furniture for their home. Their artistry was admired by all who visited.”

This early exposure to handcrafte­d beauty undoubtedl­y sparked a lifelong love for the craft. “My parents were incredibly supportive of my artistic endeavours,” she continues, “and I started creating my own needlework designs around the age of 12.” Formal education played its part too, with Lettie taking art classes throughout her career and later becoming a member of the Embroidere­rs’ Guild of America, where she honed her stitching, design and finishing techniques.

The unique charm of Lettie’s patterns lies in their nostalgic appeal. “I’ve always been fascinated by history,” she reveals. “Museums and historical sites hold a special place in my heart. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy creating little imaginary worlds inspired by the past, translated into whimsical needlework designs.”

But the creative process isn’t just about Lettie’s personal expression. “I feel it’s crucial that people have creative outlets,” she emphasises. “I want to ensure traditiona­l arts like needlework continue to thrive for future generation­s. By sending my designs out into the world, I hope to inspire others to experience the joy and satisfacti­on of creating something beautiful with their own hands. Perhaps, in turn, they’ll pass on the love of stitching to someone else.”

When asked about the themes in her work, one aspect particular­ly excites her. “I absolutely adore filling my designs with tiny motifs,” she confesses. “The more you look, the more little surprises you discover! Additional­ly, I love decorating my home for the seasons, so many of my patterns feature holiday themes like Halloween or Christmas.”

Whether she’s creating holiday-themed patterns or practical items, Lettie’s innovative 3D designs are the true highlight of her collection. “The inspiratio­n came from my desire to create something beyond flat pictures,” she explains. “To challenge myself, I set guidelines of what I want to create, what size it should be, what colour and count of fabric to use, and I begin designing.” When asked where she’s drawing her ideas from, she responds like a true artist. “I can draw my ideas from anywhere, really – museums, flea markets, architectu­ral details, even a walk in the countrysid­e.”

With so many good ideas creatively executed, it might be a hard task for her to pick a favourite. However, Lettie fondly recalls a piece she created during the pandemic. One of her famed 3D pieces titled ‘Flossy’s Garden’, it’s a charming gardener doll holding needlework tools – a testament to her creativity. “Her skirt is filled with a radiant variety of garden motifs, and her separate tie-on linen apron has usable pockets,” she explains. The doll serves a practical purpose as well as an aesthetic one, as she holds a strawberry pin keep and two tiny seed packet needle books. This pandemic challenge helped her utilise the extra time she had on her hands in a practical and creative way.

Whether it’s flat, 3D, or practical, every design style excites Lettie. “Transformi­ng threads and fabric into a tangible creation born from an idea is truly magical to me,” she enthuses. She reflects this philosophy in the work she’s put into ‘The Needle’s Notion’ designs. For those who are getting the feeling that they might want to do this too but aren’t sure where to begin, Lettie has words of wisdom: “Don’t overthink it! Just grab a pencil and graph paper, and sketch something that speaks to you. Every design is a learning experience, and the most important thing is to create something that is uniquely yours.”

With daily work so engaging and dynamic, Lettie, of course, has some exciting projects on the horizon. “I recently completed a Christmas Kitchen design featuring an adorable Santa and Mrs. Claus duo which is sure to bring holiday cheer!” In keeping with her love of holiday themes, she also has a large 3D witch design brewing, which is sure to be a spooky sensation. With her innovative designs and unwavering enthusiasm, she’s sure to continue captivatin­g stitchers for years to come.


I enjoy creating little imaginary worlds inspired by the past, translated into whimsical designs

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