APC Australia


The keeping of the house

- BEN MANSILL Wants an Apple Mac Studio to make Indesign page scrolling and zooming smoother.

Hello everyone. I hope your 2022 so far has been a delightful­ly breezy and effortless cruise through a problemles­s panorama of success and joy.

Last month, I used up all the space here telling you about the new regular sections we’ve added to APC. Very exciting stuff it is, and I hope you’ve taken a shine to our new bits. If you missed the last episode of APC in Action, we added Futures (page 22) to look ahead, Retro (page 110) to look back, A-List (page 26) to tell you what’s hotter than hot, and Jon Honeyball’s One More Thing column (page 18), where Jon will often complain that things were better in the old days.

Unlike the boring old internet that hardly anyone looks at anymore, magazine pages are finite, so to fit in the good new things some old things must go. So now, a quick word on what we taketh away.

You don’t need APC to tell you the latest game news. So we shan’t any more. By the time you’ve read our pages you already know that Microsoft’s bought Activision, or that Randy Pitchford has a fresh new sound bite expressing his mountainou­s enthusiasm for his new project. We’ll let the internet handle that for you. Good job, internet.

Nor will we be paying much attention anymore to IOS apps and guides. We’re APC, not Handy Dandy iPhone Top Tips. So none of that anymore. But we will still be covering Android because thanks to Windows 11 (thanks, Windows 11), Android apps and your PC are now best friends.

We’re upping the number of features we run, seeing as we have many of the world’s finest journos on hand to tell great stories about tech. It’s more work and research for the team, but it’s well worth it. We see a big part of our role as giving you insight you would struggle to find elsewhere (looking at you, internet). And we’ll be focussing on really interestin­g topics, too, so it’s all just a good read.

Those long 12-page how-to-build-a-PC tutorials? Fewer of them, I think. Certainly not in every issue, at least. I do like those, and the team love putting them together, but you don’t need to be taught how to build a PC every single month. We have our long-running Blueprints section (it’s staying!) that ‘virtually’ assembles three different PCs each issue, and the mission there is to give you a monthly updated look at the best choices in gear, even in this over-priced market.

So, we think we have you covered, and hope very much that these small finesses make APC an even more enjoyable read for you each month.

"Unlike the boring old internet that hardly anyone looks at anymore, magazine pages are finite, so to fit in the good new things some old things must go."

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