Sunday Mail (UK)

Imagine going to bed at night and waking up the next day to realise your world’s been taken away STRICKEN STAR’S FIGHT FOR TRUTH

Former goalie Carlin claims his life’s been changed dramatical­ly after Covid vaccine


ANDY CARLIN’S story begins with an unsettling question.

The former Morton and Hibs keeper’s account of his devastatin­g reaction to a Covid-19 vaccine injection and being confined to a wheelchair is also a difficult listen.

He said: “Can you imagine going to bed one night and waking the next morning to realise everything had been taken away from you? “One morning in 2022 that’s exactly what happened to me. In the blink of an eye everything changed. “Everything I loved to do, I c o u l dn’ t do anymore.

“The struggle to get up, to take a step, a shower – all of the things I had taken for granted.”

Carlin was head of Hamilton women’s goalkeepin­g department when his world fell apart just hours after receiving a Covid- 19 booster back in 2022. Subsequent health issues have confined the 43-year-old to bed for days on end.

And the one-time Scotland youth cap admits life with his wife Lucy, daughter Olivia and son Jude is all about trying to adapt to his new normal as he revealed he only took the vaccine to remain part of the Tartan Army official club.

He said: “The crazy thing is that I wasn’t going to take the booster.

“But I’m in the Scotland fans club with my two kids and I wasn’t going to be allowed to take them to games unless I had the vaccinatio­n.

“At the start of this illness I thought the next week would be better but things deteriorat­ed.

“It’s been two and a half years


now and progressiv­ely it’s getting worse.

“I was injected on a Friday morning and took a reaction to it on the same night.

“It started with heart issues, palpitatio­ns, cold sweats – I actually thought I was dying.

“Next day I was taken to hospital where I was treated like a stroke victim.”

Carlin’s spells with a host of lower- league clubs such as Stenhousem­uir and Cowdenbeat­h establishe­d him as a popular figure across Scottish football.

He revealed the legs were literally taken from him just as he was getting back on his feet after a mental struggle associated with calling time on his playing career.

Looking back on that troubled time, he said: “I hadn’t long retired from playing when I became ill.

“Every former footballer will tell you about the struggle to fill that void and it’s h a rd to take. Doing coaching helped. I was head of H a m i l t o n’s women coaching department, completing my B Licence and I’d set up my own goalkeepin­g academy

“Not being able to goo to football, coach or play is soul destroying

“I’ve been diagnosed with numerous things – ME, fibromyalg­ia, small fiber ber neuropathy, POTS syndrome, me, bradycardi­a and low blood od pressure.

“I can’t eat a meal as it t knocks my central nervous s system into overdrive and d then there’s fatigue – it’s as if someone has pulled out the plug. I’m in and out of

hospital, it’s constant. I don’t even know if I’ve accepted my situation.

“It’s impacted on my mental health and severely impacted my entire family.

“I try and dissociate myself a bit from my illness rather than come to terms with it all.

“I only have the strength to shower once a week and I’m in bed most of the day.

“It needs to be a darkened room and I wear sunglasses as I’m light sensitive. I also have noise sensitivit­y and wear headphones a lot of the time.”

Carlin has hit a brick wall in his attempts to convince either pharmaceut­ical companies or insurers that the vaccine is the root cause of his medical issue.

But he has one familiar football base helping him to fight his corner.

He said: “My neurologis­t has diagnosed me with post vaccinatio­n syndrome and my doctor is Doctor Goals – former Gretna striker Kenny Deuchar who has known me fo r years. He h a s


stated it’s the reaction to the vaccine that is the cause of my illnesses.

“I had to go to a Long Covid clinic due to my symptoms but they signed me off and said it’s definitely not Long Covid and it’s due to the vaccinatio­n.

“But when I try to raise compensati­on claims or claim on my insurance, they won’t pay out as they say I can’t prove the vaccine was to blame.

“I have had so many medical profession­als speaking up for me and it’s all now in the hands of my lawyers.

“It’s been a huge financial struggle as I’m unable to work. “If it wasn’t for the support of my parents then we’d have been forced to sell our family home.” A trip to a world- leading neurologic­al clinic in Germany is next on the cards for Carlin and he’s hoping it could provide a light at the end of what has been a long, dark tunnel. He said: “They specialise in neurologic­al diagnostic­s so hopefully I’ll get some answers. “I’m looking for a proper diagnosis. I’ve been told not to expect miracles but all I want is to get some sort of a life back. “Even if I could go and watch Jude play football oor Olivia at her dancingdan­cing. A good day fofor me at the mmoment is bebeing able to geget into my whwheelcha­ir.

“I’m fortunate thathat I have good f r iiends.e The footba l l comcommuni­ty have been great by stayinstay­ing in contact. “I also have acceacce s s to the ScottiScot­tish Vaccine Injury Group for supporsupp­ort.

“It’s goodg to be in contact with people who are in a similar situations­ituation, just being able to cchat has been a lifeline.”

A good day for me is being able to get in my wheelchair .. I just want some sort of life back HEALTH ISSUES HAVE CHANGED



 ?? ?? SUFFERING Carlin in his wheelchair says jag, below, left him shadow of the star who played for Stenhousem­uir, right
SUFFERING Carlin in his wheelchair says jag, below, left him shadow of the star who played for Stenhousem­uir, right
 ?? ?? SAVING THE DAY Keeper Carlin in action for Bathgate in 2010 and, right, saving at feet of Peterhead’s Graeme Stewart while Cowden’s No.1 in 2004
Deuchar is helpingh Carlin
SAVING THE DAY Keeper Carlin in action for Bathgate in 2010 and, right, saving at feet of Peterhead’s Graeme Stewart while Cowden’s No.1 in 2004 DOCTOR’S Deuchar is helpingh Carlin

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