National Post

In debate over COVID vaccines at work, safety will trump privacy.

Compulsory shots will be the gold standard

- Workplace Law Howard Levitt

Employers are either terrified — or foolish. Various statutes, discussed in previous columns, put them at risk of incarcerat­ion or multimilli­on- dollar fines if they play fast and loose with COVID-19 and its potential impact on their employees and customers.

For good measure, on Nov. 20, as I discussed last week, the Supporting Ontario’s Recovery Act came into law immunizing ( pun intended) everyone against COVID-19 cases — except, well, employers.

And of course, there is the well- trodden action for negligence if an employer fails to keep its workplace sufficient­ly safe and a worker, customer or, through contagion, their family, friends or other contacts, contract COVID-19. That action could literally be for millions of dollars, enough to bankrupt a large percentage of Canadian businesses. This is not to suggest that protecting lives is only a mercenary considerat­ion. Most of the many employers I know take great pride in ensuring the well- being of their employees and customers.

So how are employers reacting to these buffeting risks? Mostly by keeping much of our economy running at a reduced capacity, shutting down, functionin­g with employees working from home, or opening with fewer employees.

If they are open, as is my office, there are many productivi­ty- reducing measures taken every day, such as reduced boardroom and lunchroom capacity, extra spacing, smaller meetings and so on. The point is that most employers would quickly seize upon anything which put them in a time capsule to back before March 2020.

What is that magic bullet? The much anticipate­d vaccine. So the question on the minds of many are whether it can be made mandatory. A clear conflict between privacy rights and worker safety.

There is no case yet but they will come. The closest analogy are a couple of older arbitratio­n cases dealing with whether employers could require employees to be vaccinated for the flu. But they are arbitratio­n cases, not even binding on other arbitrator­s, let alone the court. And one basis of their findings was that that vaccine was not particular­ly effective.

It’s hardly worth mentioning that COVID- 19 is dramatical­ly more virulent and contagious than the flu. Although touted in various legal newsletter­s on COVID-19 vaccinatio­ns, those arbitratio­n cases are irrelevant to the discussion.

What will the courts and arbitrator­s do?

There is no question in my mind that employers will be able to compel employees who work with the elderly or the immunocomp­romised to be vaccinated on pain of discharge. It will similarly be the case for employees who, by the nature of their work, are surrounded by other employees or by members of the public, such as in factories and retail establishm­ents.

Vaccinatio­n would not be mandatory for employees working from home, that is, until they are recalled to work, which is expected to occur in great numbers when vaccinatio­ns become broadly available.

If employees have private offices or otherwise work in environmen­ts where masks and social distancing are easy to apply, the employees’ argument against being vaccinated will be simpler. In the main though, if the vaccinatio­n is proved to overwhelmi­ngly work and has no material side effects, employers will be able to require their employees to vaccinate. As I have said in many contexts surroundin­g COVID-19, in law, safety trumps privacy. That is supported by our various safety legislatio­n which the courts will look to for direction.

The only two exceptions could be human right exemptions based upon religion and disability. The employee would have to show that they belonged to an organized religion where vaccinatio­n is proscribed. If they could then be accommodat­ed by requiring regular testing, wearing a mask or allowing them to work from home, the employer would have to comply but only if that was practical for that position.

A disability exemption

would have to be claimed based upon an existing disability precluding them from being vaccinated. But again, the exemption would only apply if other measures could be taken to ensure workplace safety for everyone else. That is the difficulty with employees whose disability prevents them from wearing masks. If not wearing masks creates an unsafe workplace, they need not be accommodat­ed unless an alternate protection can be found.

There is another issue. To escape the liabilitie­s discussed above, employers will want to protect themselves by compulsory vaccinatio­n. That is the gold standard in avoiding any risk of prosecutio­n or negligence actions relating to an unsafe workplace.

Although there will be the inevitable anti-vaxxers, there will be pressure, likely from the majority of employees, to have compulsory vaccinatio­ns to protect them and their families. Employers who are not attuned to that pressure will not be employers of choice. And just as customers are known to avoid

retail establishm­ents that are not rigorous in requiring masks, employees may have market advantage by requiring all of their employees to vaccinate.

If vaccinatio­n becomes the norm, recommende­d by health authoritie­s, then an employer failing to require vaccinatio­ns will be providing their employees and customers with a stronger argument for negligence against them if they contract the disease. Negligence, after all, is based upon not following the accepted standard of care.

Investors are increasing­ly looking at social responsibi­lity in selecting where to invest. Requiring vaccinatio­ns could be one of those factors also impacting on investment decisions.

Financial Post Got a question about employment law during COVID-19? Write to me at levitt@ levittllp. com. Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers. He practises employment law in eight provinces. He is the author of six books including the Law of Dismissal in Canada.

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 ?? FRANK AUGSTEIN / POOL / AFP via Gett y Imag es ?? There will be pressure from employees on employers for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinatio­ns, Howard Levitt writes.
FRANK AUGSTEIN / POOL / AFP via Gett y Imag es There will be pressure from employees on employers for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinatio­ns, Howard Levitt writes.

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