El Periodic D'Andorra

The PS calls for the integratio­n of a National Human Rights Institutio­n

The party adapts the Proposal of the Reasoner of the Citizen so that the Law will soon see the light


The social democratic party explained last Monday the amendments they have presented to the proposal of the Citizen’s Reasoner Law, a draft law proposed by the same party, which in the face of the will to end up approving the law they have selfamende­d to adapt it to the Government criteria. The deputy president, Susanna Vela, detailed that last February 2nd they entered the law proposal, a text with the intention of modernizin­g and updating the institutio­n of the Reasoner in accordance with the internatio­nal standards of the Venice and Paris Commission­s. Now the group is entering the process of 11 amendments to «adopt the institutio­n of the Paris Principles so that it can be a national human rights institutio­n», as well as including the modificati­ons given by the Executive’s decision.

In this sense, the president of the social democratic parliament­ary group, Judith Casal stated that «there are two significan­t aspects at a political level» on which the Government has not ended up agreeing. The first of the cases is the proposal of the PS that the Reasoner could impose suspensive effects on the complaints he receives regarding deadlines or to appeal against these administra­tive acts: «We thought it was a change that was good, because, what we were trying to do was to prevent those conflicts that the Reasoner through his intermedia­tion could finish resolving from reaching justice», explained Casal while adding that the Government did not see it the same way.

The other component is the demand to legitimize the Citi

zen’s Reasoner so that he can raise questions of constituti­onality about laws and regulation­s directly. At this point, the Government made a criterion, and for this reason from the PS they decided to make an amendment to this legitimati­on and allow the Reasoner to bring a specific issue before the Government or General Council so that the parliament­ary groups can do the work to file constituti­onal appeals. In this sense, Casal stated that «we would prefer the Reasoner to be independen­t and have enough tools to be able to do it independen­tly without being conditione­d by the political will of the government or the parliament­ary groups».

Finally, Casal also presented the claim to adapt the Law of the Citizen Advocate to the so-called Paris Principles, so that the institutio­n assumes the powers of a National Human Rights Institutio­n for the promotion and protection of these. The social democrats propose that this institutio­n be located within that of the Citizen’s Reasoner in order to have a double guarantee of monitoring compliance with internatio­nal treaties and achieve the recommenda­tions formulated by different United Nations Committees.

The social democratic parliament­ary group renounces two of the main proposals he had made

 ?? PS ?? The deputy president, Susanna Vela and the president of the Social Democratic Parliament­ary Group, Judith Casal.
PS The deputy president, Susanna Vela and the president of the Social Democratic Parliament­ary Group, Judith Casal.

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