Windsor Star

Scientists grapple with how virus works


LONDON — Six months into the biggest- ever Ebola outbreak, scientists say they know more about how the deadly virus behaves.

The first cases were reported in Guinea by the World Health Organizati­on on March 23 — before spreading to Sierra Leone, Liberia and elsewhere.

Here’s a look at what scientists have learned.


Past outbreaks have mostly been in remote, rural African communitie­s and have been snuffed out in weeks or months. But one main difference this time is that the virus has hit densely packed cities in West Africa, making the outbreak an internatio­nal threat.

“I always thought Ebola was really bad when it happens, but that it would kill 100 people in a remote part of Africa, and then it’s over,” said Dr. Peter Piot, the co-discoverer of Ebola. He said the severity of this outbreak could be linked to the increased movement of people across borders and “more contact with whatever the primary source of Ebola is.” The virus’ reservoir is thought to be fruit bats, considered a delicacy in some parts of Africa.

In a study released Tuesday by the New England Journal of Medicine, the World Health Organizati­on said there could be almost 21,000 Ebola cases by early November and that cases could continue to trickle out for years.


Yes, but that’s a worst-case scenario. If control measures don’t work, at some point, Ebola will have infected everyone who hasn’t already been killed or recovered from the virus and there won’t be enough people to maintain the virus’ spread, said Dr. Bruce Aylward, WHO assistant director-general in charge of emergencie­s. He said the next few months are crucial to curbing transmissi­on.

“As this outbreak continues, the sheer caseload will make it much more difficult to get people isolated and into beds,” he said.

“The way Ebola has spread so far, it’s hard to believe it will just die out,” added Dr. Heinz Feldmann, chief of virology at the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.

“At some point it will, but how long is that going to take and how many people have to die for that to happen?”


We don’t know. Experts say it’s difficult to assess that because so many issues are involved. It’s possible the virus has become more infectious than before — which might explain the spiralling caseload — but it’s also possible health workers aren’t properly protected or are so overworked they are making more mistakes. There has also been more physical violence involving patients, many of whom are suspicious of Western aid workers. This has led to risky situations that might increase the chances of getting infected, said Michael Osterholm, a professor at the University of Minnesota who advises the U.S. government on infectious diseases. Scientists have noted hundreds of mutations in the virus so far but aren’t sure what that means, since viruses evolve constantly.



Maybe. Given the scarcity of hospital beds, health officials say authoritie­s shouldn’t just focus on patients being treated in clinics. Some groups have started handing out basic protection kits they admit are woefully inadequate but better than nothing. Agencies including UNICEF, USAID and Doctors Without Borders have given out tens of thousands of Ebola kits, including gloves, aprons, face masks and garbage bags in Liberia, the worst-hit country. WHO notes that water and soap are still unavailabl­e in some parts of West Africa.

“It’s a tragic situation, so we are helping arm people with the best possible solution in a worst-case scenario,” said Sarah Crowe, a UNICEF spokeswoma­n in Liberia.

“So if they are going to have to use plastic bags to wipe up vomit of a sick person, then there is a correct method.”

The American aid agency, USAID, says only about half of Ebola patients are seeking treatment, so the kits and informatio­n about the disease are indispensa­ble to fighting the outbreak.

 ?? ZOOM DOSSO/AFP/Getty Images ?? A girl cries Tuesday in Monrovia, Liberia, after the death of her father and mother in the Ebola outbreak. About half of Ebola patients are seeking treatment, making it difficult to contain the outbreak.
ZOOM DOSSO/AFP/Getty Images A girl cries Tuesday in Monrovia, Liberia, after the death of her father and mother in the Ebola outbreak. About half of Ebola patients are seeking treatment, making it difficult to contain the outbreak.

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