Ottawa Citizen

A zebra’s head on a lion’s body


Ottawa really should be a “signature” city, where people come to gawk at the architectu­re, statues, etc. The newer Ottawa has made so many blunders it’s almost laughable. Sticking a zebra’s head on a lion’s body doesn’t work.

The most disgusting thing about this whole Château Laurier addition debacle is that we are reaching a point where people are exhausted and fed up. The “Let’s just get on with it and build it no matter what” mentality will unfortunat­ely take over, which will mean that we’ll be stuck with an architectu­ral faux pas for many future decades.

Some think that modernizin­g a French Gothic châteauesq­ue style of architectu­re is no big deal, but the truth is that it should never be done. If the shoe were on the other foot and an architect proposed adding a Gothic addition to a downtown nondescrip­t highrise condo, many would probably scratch their heads.

There is a saying that Ottawa will be nice — once it’s finished. Ottawa is a work in progress, but adding an ugly modern addition to a worldclass architectu­ral icon is turning it into a cheaplooki­ng, styleless city. Frank Lloyd Wright said that, “A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.”

The barbarians are at the gates; please don’t let them in. Or is it now too late? Douglas Cornish, Ottawa

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