Ottawa Citizen

Don’t like our political parties? Then join one


This month’s provincial election was a political chamber of horrors featuring unpopular leaders, unaffordab­le or vague plans, and some candidates with resumés that wouldn’t qualify them for a community associatio­n executive, much less the legislatur­e.

The popular reaction was to shake one’s head in disgust and ask how the political parties could have done such a bad job. That’s a fair question, but here’s a better one: If we aren’t happy with what they are offering, what are we going to do about it?

We live in a participat­ory democracy, and that requires more than just voting every four years. If you are not satisfied with outsourcin­g your political choices to a relatively small number of other people, you have to get directly involved. That means joining a political party. The good news is that it’s inexpensiv­e and demands only as much time as you are willing to give it.

It’s a little-understood fact, but the people who join political parties have enormous say over the choices we have on election day. They pick party leaders, choose local candidates and influence party policies. As a voter, you are one of millions. As a party member, you are one of thousands provincial­ly, and usually one of hundreds at the riding level.

As an example of the influence that individual­s can have, consider the election of Doug Ford as Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Party leader. Ford won by a narrow margin. A small number of people in a small number of ridings gave Ford his victory and changed the course of Ontario history. Had more of his many critics joined the party, the story would have had a different ending.

In ridings that consistent­ly vote for one party, the winner is really chosen at the nomination

It’s one of the most challengin­g things one can undertake.

meeting, not during the election. Those votes typically attract a few thousand people at most.

All right, but isn’t belonging to a political party something like joining a cult, where everyone is a true believer and reason goes out the door? Plus, isn’t politics a dirty and dishonest business?

I can only speak to my own former involvemen­t with the Ontario PC party, but it is made up of decent people with a wide range of views, people who want good government, as they define it.

I expect all parties are the same. Yes, truth often takes a beating in politics, but the solution is the involvemen­t of more honest, ethical people.

Being a party member is not demanding. It costs $10 a year to join the PCs or the Liberals. The NDP would like $25, but it’s negotiable. Members can be expected to come to the annual riding associatio­n meeting, perhaps make a small donation of time or money. If you want to make change, join a riding associatio­n executive and get involved in candidate recruitmen­t, then work your way up to the provincial executive.

Better still, become a candidate yourself. It’s one of the most challengin­g things one can undertake.

The change in Ontario’s provincial political dynamics presents tremendous opportunit­ies for involvemen­t in all parties. Join the PCs, and you can have influence over government for the next four years. Plus, it’s a lot more fun to get involved with the party that won.

Join the NDP, and you can help it refine its political pitch and assist New Democrats in opposing the government.

The really interestin­g challenge is rebuilding the Liberals as the party of the centre. It’s the most important project in provincial politics, the one that must succeed if voters are to be given a full range of choice in the next election. It’s a great time to get involved because the old guard is gone.

Ontarians who didn’t like this election have a choice. They can spend the next four years grumbling or they can get involved and help create better choices next time. If you do nothing, don’t blame other people for the outcome.

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