
Baked Ginger Custard and Pear Puddings


This is probably my easiest and most versatile pudding recipe. In the past, I’ve used fresh figs, stone fruit, cherries and mango and all were delicious.

2–3 firm but ripe pears, peeled, quartered and cored

Custard 3 large eggs, size 7

⅓ cup plain flour ¼ cup caster sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

finely grated zest of ½ an orange

1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger

1 cup milk 1 cup cream

To cook 1 tablespoon icing sugar, plus extra for serving

¼ cup sliced almonds

Lightly grease 6 x 150ml-capacity shallow ovenproof baking dishes. Preheat the oven to 170°C fan bake.

Cut the pear quarters in thin wedges and arrange, slightly overlappin­g in the base of the dishes.

Custard: Whisk the eggs, flour and sugar in a bowl until smooth. Add the vanilla, orange zest, grated ginger, milk and cream and whisk until well combined.

Carefully pour the custard over the pears then dust the tops with icing sugar and scatter over the almonds.

Bake for 25 minutes until the custard is just set and the top is puffed and golden. The puddings will deflate quickly when removed from the oven.

Serve hot or warm, dusted with extra icing sugar and a dollop of cream, if desired. Serves 6

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