
Apricot and Whiskey Pudding Sandwiches


Winter just calls out for a hearty pudding and it’s hard to refuse this tasty offering. You can use regular bread, brioche or croissants.

12 slices 2-day old sandwich bread, crusts removed

soft butter for spreading ¾ cup apricot jam

2 x 410-gram tins apricot halves, well drained

Custard 1½ cups milk

½ cup cream 2 tablespoon­s whiskey

½ cup caster sugar

finely grated zest 1 large lemon

1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 large eggs, size 7 ¼ cup flaked almonds 2 teaspoons icing sugar

To serve icing sugar for dusting

ice cream or cream

Lightly butter an ovenproof baking or roasting dish that will hold half of the bread in a single layer so you can sandwich them with the remaining bread.

Preheat the oven to 170˚C fan bake.

Spread one side of each piece of bread with butter, then with jam. Place half of the bread, jam side up, in the base of the tin and arrange ½ the apricots over the top. Sandwich with the remaining bread, jam side up. Arrange the remaining apricots over the top.

Custard: Whisk all the ingredient­s, except the almonds and icing sugar, together and pour over the bread. Leave to soak for 10 minutes.

Scatter the almonds over the top and dust generously with icing sugar. Bake for 40 minutes or until the custard is set in the centre and the top is lightly caramelise­d.

To serve: Cut into portions and serve with ice cream or cream. Serves 6–8

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