


Okay, first thing’s first; sake is not actually a spirit. Neither is it a beer, wine, nor liqueur. Japan’s national drink is in a class all of its own. But while it technicall­y doesn’t fit into the spirit category (being fermented rather than distilled) Zenkuro Sake certainly fits the homegrown artisan profile. Initially, the key players of Zenkuro – husband-and-wife team Dave and Yasuko Joll, Richard Ryall, Craig Mclachlan and Yoshihiro Kawamura – had planned to bring a sake brewing team to Queenstown from Japan. It didn’t end up being necessary as Dave completed sake brewery internship­s in Canada and Japan, and studied to become a Certified Advanced Sake Profession­al. In just three years, they’ve progressed from “being a group of Japanophil­e, sake-loving friends, to being New Zealand’s first-ever sake brewing company, with internatio­nal awards under our belt,” Dave says. Made with the pristine, soft mountain water from the Southern Alps, he says the air in Queenstown too, being dry, cool and clean, is an ideal sake brewing environmen­t. For those uninitiate­d into the wonderment that is sake, to cut a complicate­d story short, the basic ingredient­s are rice, water, purpose-produced sake yeast and a sugar content made from a naturally occurring mould. Hand-made in small batches, Zenkuro uses traditiona­l Japanese techniques, which means no preservati­ves or additives. “The first time the entire team unanimousl­y nodded in approval and smiled at each other as we tasted a new batch was a moment we will never forget,” says Dave.

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